helpful tools for managing technology
helpful tools for managing technology
Here are some tools I’ve found, a few of which I’ve actually used myself, that help parents manage various aspects of technology. I’m sure my lawyer would suggest that I put lots of disclaimers here, but I’ll just say these are my unscientific opinions, so take them with the appropriate skepticism.
Macintosh - Leopard’s Parental Controls. These are built into the current version of the Mac operating system OS X 10.5 (aka Leopard). You can manage Parental Controls separately for each account. We highly recommend that each user in the household have a separate account. That way you can have separate bookmarks, email accounts, and personalize your desktop. To use the Parental Controls feature, look in System Preferences in the System section. You can filter content, manage email & chat, and set time limits. You can see logs of what applications they have run and what websites they have visited. You can even manage it remotely from another Mac running Leopard.