


How Parents Help Keep Kids Safe

  1. Educate yourself about digital technologies!

  2. Use prudence in your own online behaviors (including blogging)

  3. Exercise basic responsible computing

  4. Set clear expectations – and follow through

Teach Your Kids Effective Decision Making Strategies

  1. The “Golden Rule” test -- how would you feel if someone did the same thing to you?

  2. The “Mom or Dad” test -- what would your Mom or Dad think?

  3. The “Front Page” test -- if your actions were reported on the front page of a newspaper what would other people think?

  4. The “If Everybody Did It” test -- what would happen if everybody made the decision to do this?

  5. The “Check Inside” test -- how do you feel inside?

  1. BulletPolicy suggestions for your household

  2. BulletBasic responsibility - what every your home computer must have before you’ll be even close to safe on the Internet

  3. BulletTake a walk through your cyberspace -- with your child

  4. BulletSome tools that might be helpful

  5. BulletChoosing good passwords